
In reference to "Couple Left Spooked After Train Ticket From 30 Years Ago With Eerie Date Mysteriously Appears In Their Home". MIRROR


"Harriet Hunt, 27, from Romford, posted on Facebook asking others to solve a 'mystery' and explained how her partner Ryan Omer ... ."


In reference to "Couple Left Spooked After Train Ticket From 30 Years Ago With Eerie Date Mysteriously Appears In Their Home". MIRROR


"Harriet Hunt, 27, from Romford, posted on Facebook asking others to solve a 'mystery' and explained how her partner Ryan Omer ... ."

8-8-88 CapitalCard ticket from Romford to "Londn" was left in house, supposed by a "ghost".

"The only strange thing is that our daughter - who was only 2 last week - constantly talks to someone called Pedro."

e-mail nicola.oakley@mirror.co.uk

Our analysis of 8.8.88--PEDRO--OMER connection :-


"The 8.8 ... (commonly called the eighty-eight) ...

"Cañones ... en A Coruña : el Monte de San Pedro" Retrieved ... 2014" (with reference to http://enc.tfode.com/8.8_cm_FlaK_18/36/37/41) [This so-titled webpage, however, was since altered. The original page referred-to in the note to this article is :]


This last webpage is quoting "ROMmel", a name reminiscent of \ROMford\.

Described is "el Monte de San Pedro en la ciudad gallega de A Coruña (España)."

Also mentioned on this archived webpage is the city Atalaya, Espan~a : whence there was named the city Atalaya, Peru`, the country whereto the "San PEDRO cactus" is endemic.

Now, as concerning the name \A Coruña\, it was first recorded (in the 12th century Chr.Aira) as (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Coru%C3%B1a#Geography) \CRUNIa\; and because it is located in the province "GALiCia", it must be in the GAeLIC, i.e. Goidelic, language, and thus likely named for a hero renowned in the legendry of E`ire : if so, this would be CRUNNIuc (written \CRUNN\ in the Book of Laigin, as cited in Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History, p. 586, fn. 130 https://books.google.com/books?id=RphgAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA586&lpg=PA586&dq=) the Debilitator, who commended his wife's courieress velocity to the Assembly of Ulaid (Monaghan : Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore, s.vv. "Crunniuc"and "Debility of the Ulstermen").

In Old Irish, \crunn\ (also \cruinn\) is an inflected form of \crann\ (earlier \crand\) 'tree, wood; wooden divination-piece for casting lots; destiny, fate'. http://www.dil.ie/search?q=laocha This NOI`NDEN (MacKillop : Dictionary of Celtic Mythology, s.v. "Macha 3"; cf. Skt. \NANDIN\ 'joyous; name of the bull ridden by S`iva'; \nanda\ 'joy; name of the dynasty praeceding the Maurya dynasty') was destined/fated to endure 81 generations.

8th chapter, commencing with its 8th verse, of Book of Ether is about the plot against OMER (son of Shule, who "begat sons and daughters in his old age." 7:26)

Omer is aequivalent to (incarnation of?) Ioannes Baptistes :

Book of Ether

Eu-angelion kata Markos

Jared's daughter plotted against Omer (8:8). Therefore,

Herod's wife Herodias plotted to have Ioannes Baptistes put to death (6:19). Therefore,

after Jared's daughter danced (8:11),

after the daughter of Herodias danced (6:22),

the head of Omer was sought (8:12).

she demanded the head of Ioannes Baptistes (6:25).

Book of Ether, capitulum VIII. https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/ether/8

Eu-angelion kata Markos, capitulum VI. http://www.usccb.org/bible/mark/6

The [praying-mantis-like] theme of a woman's beheading of a man is also to be found in one of the Apokrypha to the Biblia Hagia, to wit, the Biblion Ioudith (Seper Yhuwdiyt). https://www.thejc.com/judaism/features/the-woman-who-cut-off-a-general-s-head-1.39602

The name of her city (Strong's 1329 \Btuwl\) is a shortened form of Strong's 1330 \btuwlah\ 'virgin'; for "Judith preserves her chastity with Holofernes (her book records that, though many men desired her, she never remarries, loyal to the memory of her husband until her death at the age of 105)."

This theme of a heroine's slaying a warrior by beheading (cf. how the suitors for heroine Hippo-dameia were treated by her father Oino-maos : their "heads and limbs he nailed above the gates of his palace", G:GM 109.e) can be contrasted with the theme of a heroine's slaying a warrior by piercing his head.

Heroine Ya<el slew military general Siysra> by hammering a peg into his head while he was sleeping (S^apat.iym 4:21).

The heroines Danaides slew the heroes Aiguptiadai by piercing their heads with bodkins (G:GM 60.k) : this was perpetrated (G:HG, p. 88) "during the hour of sleep."

G:GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.

G:HG = George Grote : History of Greece, Vol. I : Legendary Greece. 2nd edn. London.


This theme of a heroine's opening a a hero's head by means of an instrument during his sleep can, as readily, be ascribed to trance as to dream, such as, e.g., in the Bodish >pho-ba trance-method : for this, the instrument is a feather.


"The transference (>pho-ba) is finished. Body and mind have been separated. ... My body and mind could not stay together, and I was tossed like a feather" (TNBPN, p. 33).

(TL-MRJ) "The ostrich feather can be used as a logogram ... or determinative in m3<t "truth ..."" ("MAEW", p. 63). "The soul is weighed in the balance in which ... (... an ostrich feather) is the other pan" (G:WS, p. 74).

TNBPN = Bryan J. Cuevas : Travels in the Netherworld: Buddhist Popular Narratives of Death and the Afterlife in Tibet. Oxford Univ Pr, 2008. https://books.google.com/books?id=gfcVwAoVHksC&pg=PA33&lpg=PA33&dq=

"MAEW" = E. S. Meltzer : "Mnemonic Aspects of Egyptian Writing". In :- Paul A. Kolers; Merald E. Wrolstad; Herman Bouma (edd.) : Processing of Visible Language. NATO CONFERENCE SERIES 3 : HUMAN FACTORS, Vol. 13. Plenum Pr, NY & London, 1980. pp. 43-66. https://books.google.com.au/books?id=4LnSBwAAQBAJ&pg=PA63&lpg=PA63&dq=

G:WS = Lester L. Grabbe : Wisdom of Solomon. Sheffield Academic Pr, 1997. https://books.google.com.au/books?id=RQ_UAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA74&lpg=PA74&dq=

The >pho-ba is also conducted in order to separate a s`i->dre spirit from the spirit's mortal medium, at the close of a se'ance, after the s`i->dre hath been fed in the zan-no rite : ("SSTV", p. 329) "The [b]lama then conducts >pho ba on the spirit after which the medium comes of of the trance."

"SSTV" = Kunzang Choden : "Spirits of the sTang Valley : a Bhutanese Account". REVUE D'ETUDES TIBE'TAINES 5 (Nov 2008):313-30. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu%2Fviewdoc%2Fdownload%3Fdoi%3D10.1.1.737.5608%26rep%3Drep1%26type%3Dpdf&usg=AFQjCNFQfQ8qvB8TpP2xSAQerZ68W3nbaQ CapitalCard ticket from Romford to "Londn" was left in house, supposed by a "ghost".

"The only strange thing is that our daughter - who was only 2 last week - constantly talks to someone called Pedro."

e-mail nicola.oakley@mirror.co.uk

Our analysis of 8.8.88--PEDRO--OMER connection :-


"The 8.8 ... (commonly called the eighty-eight) ...

"Cañones ... en A Coruña : el Monte de San Pedro" Retrieved ... 2014" (with reference to http://enc.tfode.com/8.8_cm_FlaK_18/36/37/41) [This so-titled webpage, however, was since altered. The original page referred-to in the note to this article is :]


This last webpage is quoting "ROMmel", a name reminiscent of \ROMford\.

Described is "el Monte de San Pedro en la ciudad gallega de A Coruña (España)."

Also mentioned on this archived webpage is the city Atalaya, Espan~a : whence there was named the city Atalaya, Peru`, the country whereto the "San PEDRO cactus" is endemic.

Now, as concerning the name \A Coruña\, it was first recorded (in the 12th century Chr.Aira) as (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Coru%C3%B1a#Geography) \CRUNIa\; and because it is located in the province "GALiCia", it must be in the GAeLIC, i.e. Goidelic, language, and thus likely named for a hero renowned in the legendry of E`ire : if so, this would be CRUNNIuc (written \CRUNN\ in the Book of Laigin, as cited in Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History, p. 586, fn. 130 https://books.google.com/books?id=RphgAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA586&lpg=PA586&dq=) the Debilitator, who commended his wife's courieress velocity to the Assembly of Ulaid (Monaghan : Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore, s.vv. "Crunniuc"and "Debility of the Ulstermen").

In Old Irish, \crunn\ (also \cruinn\) is an inflected form of \crann\ (earlier \crand\) 'tree, wood; wooden divination-piece for casting lots; destiny, fate'. http://www.dil.ie/search?q=laocha This NOI`NDEN (MacKillop : Dictionary of Celtic Mythology, s.v. "Macha 3"; cf. Skt. \NANDIN\ 'joyous; name of the bull ridden by S`iva'; \nanda\ 'joy; name of the dynasty praeceding the Maurya dynasty') was destined/fated to endure 81 generations.

8th chapter, commencing with its 8th verse, of Book of Ether is about the plot against OMER (son of Shule, who "begat sons and daughters in his old age." 7:26)

Omer is aequivalent to (incarnation of?) Ioannes Baptistes :

Book of Ether

Eu-angelion kata Markos

Jared's daughter plotted against Omer (8:8). Therefore,

Herod's wife Herodias plotted to have Ioannes Baptistes put to death (6:19). Therefore,

after Jared's daughter danced (8:11),

after the daughter of Herodias danced (6:22),

the head of Omer was sought (8:12).

she demanded the head of Ioannes Baptistes (6:25).

Book of Ether, capitulum VIII. https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/ether/8

Eu-angelion kata Markos, capitulum VI. http://www.usccb.org/bible/mark/6

The [praying-mantis-like] theme of a woman's beheading of a man is also to be found in one of the Apokrypha to the Biblia Hagia, to wit, the Biblion Ioudith (Seper Yhuwdiyt). https://www.thejc.com/judaism/features/the-woman-who-cut-off-a-general-s-head-1.39602

The name of her city (Strong's 1329 \Btuwl\) is a shortened form of Strong's 1330 \btuwlah\ 'virgin'; for "Judith preserves her chastity with Holofernes (her book records that, though many men desired her, she never remarries, loyal to the memory of her husband until her death at the age of 105)."

This theme of a heroine's slaying a warrior by beheading (cf. how the suitors for heroine Hippo-dameia were treated by her father Oino-maos : their "heads and limbs he nailed above the gates of his palace", G:GM 109.e) can be contrasted with the theme of a heroine's slaying a warrior by piercing his head.

Heroine Ya<el slew military general Siysra> by hammering a peg into his head while he was sleeping (S^apat.iym 4:21).

The heroines Danaides slew the heroes Aiguptiadai by piercing their heads with bodkins (G:GM 60.k) : this was perpetrated (G:HG, p. 88) "during the hour of sleep."

G:GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.

G:HG = George Grote : History of Greece, Vol. I : Legendary Greece. 2nd edn. London.


This theme of a heroine's opening a a hero's head by means of an instrument during his sleep can, as readily, be ascribed to trance as to dream, such as, e.g., in the Bodish >pho-ba trance-method : for this, the instrument is a feather.


"The transference (>pho-ba) is finished. Body and mind have been separated. ... My body and mind could not stay together, and I was tossed like a feather" (TNBPN, p. 33).

(TL-MRJ) "The ostrich feather can be used as a logogram ... or determinative in m3<t "truth ..."" ("MAEW", p. 63). "The soul is weighed in the balance in which ... (... an ostrich feather) is the other pan" (G:WS, p. 74).

TNBPN = Bryan J. Cuevas : Travels in the Netherworld: Buddhist Popular Narratives of Death and the Afterlife in Tibet. Oxford Univ Pr, 2008. https://books.google.com/books?id=gfcVwAoVHksC&pg=PA33&lpg=PA33&dq=

"MAEW" = E. S. Meltzer : "Mnemonic Aspects of Egyptian Writing". In :- Paul A. Kolers; Merald E. Wrolstad; Herman Bouma (edd.) : Processing of Visible Language. NATO CONFERENCE SERIES 3 : HUMAN FACTORS, Vol. 13. Plenum Pr, NY & London, 1980. pp. 43-66. https://books.google.com.au/books?id=4LnSBwAAQBAJ&pg=PA63&lpg=PA63&dq=

G:WS = Lester L. Grabbe : Wisdom of Solomon. Sheffield Academic Pr, 1997. https://books.google.com.au/books?id=RQ_UAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA74&lpg=PA74&dq=

The >pho-ba is also conducted in order to separate a s`i->dre spirit from the spirit's mortal medium, at the close of a se'ance, after the s`i->dre hath been fed in the zan-no rite : ("SSTV", p. 329) "The [b]lama then conducts >pho ba on the spirit after which the medium comes of of the trance."

"SSTV" = Kunzang Choden : "Spirits of the sTang Valley : a Bhutanese Account". REVUE D'ETUDES TIBE'TAINES 5 (Nov 2008):313-30. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu%2Fviewdoc%2Fdownload%3Fdoi%3D10.1.1.737.5608%26rep%3Drep1%26type%3Dpdf&usg=AFQjCNFQfQ8qvB8TpP2xSAQerZ68W3nbaQ