
Book of Gates, lower register

Codex Borgia, pp. 4 to 8, lower register


1, central register (p. 80). ram-headed standard

22. cipactli-headed standard

2, central register (p. 88). god holding staff

23. man holding staff

3, central register (p. 104). mummied forms, with their elbows projecting, and their hands crossed

26. man with his elbows projecting, and his hands crossed


5, central register (p. 146). "his Corner"

28. crossroads, with man & woman

5:2 (p. 151). the 4 racial types of mankind

30. bones [of ones retrieved from the netherworld, mankind was reconstituted] and human limbs in pot [being reconstituted, as with Aietes]

5:3 (p. 151). long serpent; 5, central register (p. 140). long, slender serpent

31. 2 snakes, tied together, descending from sky

5. (p. 162; AEBA, fig. 34 -- p. 70:judgement). balance with 2 suspensions, each having square tray

32. 2 funnels (?); square vessel


6 (AEBA, fig. 35 -- p. 71). male mummies lying recumbent, upon:

35. head of Tezcatli-poca, lying recumbent

feeted bier

36. leopard-feet

6:5 (p. 214; AEBA, fig. 35 -- p. 71). serpent within circle

37. 2 snakes, crossed, descending from sky

7, central register (AEBA, fig. 36 -- p. 72). pairs of men, each pair bound to a jackal-post

39. black man bound to a tree-post

8 (AEBA, fig. 38 -- p. 72:central register). drowned men

41. dead man being boiled


10 (AEBA, fig. 39 -- p. 75). crowned falcon

44. owl

11 (AEBA, fig. 40 -- p. 76:central register). cobras emerging from baskets

46. black snake emerging from basket


Book of Gates, upper register

Codex Borgia, pp. 4 to 7, upper register


4:1 (p. 127). 12 gods who carry along their doubles

27. god carrying, by the hair, bound captive


5 (AEBA, fig. 34 -- p. 70). upsidedown oxheads

31. upsidedown man being swallowed headfirst by skeletal goddess

5 (p. 162; AEBA, fig. 34 -- p. 70:judgement). "Eater of the Arm"

34. man belching fire & smoke from his mouth; detatched arm

6:3 (p. 205; AEBA, fig. 35 -- p. 71). 12 gods holding mummy by double-rope

35. double-feather-tipped festoons on arm


7 (AEBA, fig. 36 -- p. 72). men, each with feather atop his head

36. man with bird standing atop his head


10 (AEBA, fig. 39 -- p. 75). rope-holders

42. festooned arm

10. (AEBA, fig. 39 -- p. 75). holders, by tail, of footed snake-men

43. captive-holder

11 (AEBA, fig. 40 -- p. 76). gods, each having multiple snake-heads

44. god with helmet extruding double ray

11 (AEBA, fig. 40 -- p. 76). men upheld into air by [magically upwelling] rope

45. man levitating


BOOKS ON EGYPT AND CHALDAEA, Vol. XXi. E. A. Wallis Budge: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell. Vol. Ii: "The Book of Gates". Kegan Paul, Trench, Tru:bner & Co. Ltd., London, 1905.

AEBA = Erik Hornung (transl. by David Lorton): The Ancient Egyptian Books of the Afterlife. Cornell U. Pr, Ithaca, 1999.