Jesus Christ----------------------------------Heraklees

"Fools ({<ibri^} NaBAL) for Christ's sake" (1st Corinthians 4:10) ...

Crossdressed with woman oMPHALe (< *aNBHAL-) and at Kos ...

"Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, that leadeth unto life" (Matthew 7:14) -- "strait" or "narrow" is >aT.aM, cognate with {Skt.} a-TMan / TMan.

Husband to Omphale was TMolos.

"Wide is the gate ... that leadeth unto death" (Matthew 7:13):

Euru-pulos "wide gate" almost led to the death of Heraklees,

"we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against ... spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12), viz.

while wrestling (CDCM, s.v. "Heracles III") for as prize a sheep ["lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29) = spiritual wickedness], in the person of his son =

against money-changers [from the money-market].

Ant[i]-agoras "against the market" at:

As "bright and morning star" (Revelation of St. John 22:16) who "sang" whilest "the sons of God shouted for joy" (>YB 38:7) {<ibri^} RaNaN (viz. at the river >aRNo^N, cf. Etruscan river Arnus, Christian-Etruscan (?) name Arno-bius = {<ibri^} >arnebet "hare") --

Kos {(etymologically) Skt. *s`asa "hare" which the Buddha became in order to:

he offered his own flesh to be eaten.

offer his own flesh to be eaten}.

We become "joint-heirs with Christ", implying the death of God the Father, or perhaps (inasmuch as death is often described in the New Testament as "falling on sleep"), that

While his son Heraklees was voyaging to Kos, our father

God the Father fell asleep.

Zeus fell asleep (GM 137.o).

[This despite the Old-Testament promise that "He who keepeth Yis`ra^>el shall neither slumber nor sleep" (THLYM 121:4) -- this applying obviously not to God but to "his brother's keeper", Qayin "reed".] Yo^h.anan the Baptist was called a "reed" (Matthew 11:7; Luke 7:24), and

Midas whispered to reeds in their hearing (GM 83.g).

[Qayin (re-incarnated as SILas ?)

Having consulted SILenos, who was

having gone to NoWD ("wandering" = the travels of Paul); being a traveller like

rider on ass and follower of the far-traveller Dio-nusos {(etymologically) *-NUDhya},

the ass-heeding prophet Bil<am]

the ass-eared [to his barber]

cleansed persons by baptism in a river (the Yarden),

Midas was cleansed (from golden-touch) by baptism in a river (the Paktolos),

source of the name of a people (Yeredi^m, Jaredites in Book of Mormon).

source of the name of a people (Paktues = Pas^to of AfGanistan).

"At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow" (Philippians 2:10) : ("knee" = etymologically {Latin} GeNU --) Jesus as the "true vine".

To GaNU-medes was offered a golden vine, afterwards used to bribe Astu-okhe the mother of Tele-phos, to send Euru-pulos (CDCM, s.v. "Eurypylus 4").

"I am the true vine" (John 15:1) -- foot-dipping into blood (THLYM 68:24), "washed ... in the blood of grapes" (B-R>S^YT 49:11). The Grail-king (the grail containing the juice of that vine)

On the vine tripped (CDCM, s.v. "Telephus") the foot of the father of Euru-pulos, Telephos, who consequently

was wounded in the thigh: that wound refused to heal until

was wounded in the thigh: that wound refused to heal until

remedied by Sir Lancelot.

rust from a lance was applied to it by Akhilleus.

Wounds of Christ:

Heraklees was wounded

a bronze serpent was lifted on pole by Mos^eh (B-MDBR 21:9): "As Mos^eh lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so shall the Son of Man be lifted up" (John 3:14): "My flesh is meat indeed" (John 6:55).

at Khalk-odon [also spelled Khalk-edon ("bronze food"), site of Byzantine Church councils].

Mos^eh was succeeded (after Yho^s^u<a = Yes^u<a / Jesus) by Kaleb "hound". Iron as food, like (WhRWY, p. 89) iron body (kebal [=land of Kabu^l, arrived at on flying carpet according to <arabic literature, cognate with {<ibri^} kebel "fetter" -- {Welsh} TALieSin in fetters aequivalent to the iron-bodied {Hellenic} TALoS].

Heraklees fetched (GM 134.e) from Netherworld a serpent-maned hound (Kerberos): cf. Daoist iron hounds associated with bronze serpents in Netherworld (Md'O).

Redemption of apples from serpent in garden of <eden --

For Heraklees were fetched apples of Ladon the serpent, by (GM 133.e)

{Gaulish} Maponos "map".

Atlas ("sky-map").


In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, (Luke 3:27) Neri^ "my lamp" = (KT, p. 222) Nire, a place arrived at before the place

Nireus slew (CDCM)

(KT, p. 223) Modad = (Luke 3:28) El-modam [or else] (Book of the Cave of Treasures) Elmodad = >eldad + Me^dad the 2 prophets-preachers --

the woman Hiera ({etymologically, Skt.} sister of Sisira huband of Sarama, i.e. personification of the sermon), wife of Telephos.

these place were arrived at by Lewe (cf. that descendant of Lewi^, Mos^eh, whose father-in-law was R<u^->el, written RAGUel in the Septuagint), who married the woman RAGUaMe.

The woman RhOMe was daughter of Telephos (CDCM, s.v. "Roma").

The husband of Raguame, holding an ekepayo ("ceremonial staff") approached "a wide blood-red pool" (KT, p. 126).

The husband of S.ipporah, Mos^eh, holding a rod, turned the Nile to blood.

Raguame, having thown pig's intestines inro the pool, "put on her bird feathers" (KT, p.127).

S.ipporah is [in <ibri^] "bird's talon". Similar to me<yi^m "bowels", the M<uni^m are mentioned (NH.MYM 7:52) with

Yali & BoSo were (KT, p. 29) brethren. [Cf. Yalobus^a, Mississippi]

BSay. [Cf. BSY, the Kemetian pygmy god often depicted standing on a decapitated human head:]

Boso evaded being killed when confined to a room at night, by keeping fireflies (KT, p. 32).

In order to meet the decapitated head of their father & uncle, Hun-Ahpu & Xbalam-ke evaded death when confined to a room at night, by using fireflies (according to Popol Vuh).

Wife of Yali became aroaki (bird in "casuarina tops" -- KT, p. 34, fn. *): cf. Daoist casuarina tree in moon.

These decapitated heads (of father & uncle) became sun & moon.


GM = Robert Graves: The Greek Myths. 1955.

Pierre Grimal (tr. by A. R. Maxwell-Hyslop): A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology. Basil Blackwell, 1990.

Md'O = MEMOIRES DE L'INSTITUT DES HAUTES ETUDES CHINOISES, Vol. 1. Hou Ching-Lang: "Monnaies d'Offrande".

WhRWY = Maribeth Erb: When Rocks Were Young and Earth Was Soft: Ritual and Mythology in Northeastern Manggarai. PhD diss., State U. of NY at Stony Brook, 1987.

KT = John LeRoy: Kewa Tales. U. of BC Pr, Vancouver, 1985.