(PLV, pp. 263 to 264)

(GMPT 7:756 to 794)



1. Hermes [mutable]

21. multiform



2. Phos-phoros ("torch-bearer")

23. torch



3. Anemos ("wind")

24. lightning



4. Ares




5. Hermeneia ("explanation"


[of Hermes the herald])

26. herald's wand



6. Artemis [her retinue


consisting of girl-children]

27. child



7. Apollon [builder of enterable

28. key

fortification at Ilion]




8. Poseidon [sender from sea


of bull for Pasiphae]

1. ox



9. Kharita




10. Ploutos




11. Mnemosune




12. Dikaiosune




13. Dionusos [visitor to Lerna,


where was the "Crab"]

6. crab



14. Elpis


14. Ennoia




15. Hephaistos [father of


Erikhthonios the serpent]

9. serpent



16. Dioskoros [a horse-rider]

10. horse



L' Antiquite` Classique. Tome 2, 1933. pp. 259 to 266.

Franz Cumont: "Les Pre`sages Lunaires de Virgile et les Selendromia."



Hans Dieter Betz: The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation. University of Chicago Press, 1986.


GMPT 4:2241 to 2358



24. Aris ("bow-drill")

24. bow-drill




25. grey-eyed woman's body


with legs outspread

25. Huper-ephaneia ("contempt")

[Athene showing contempt


for Teiresias by first


first displaying herself nude


to him, then blinding him


for noticing her]



26. Nupha {for /numphai/

26. black sphinx's

"labia minora of vulva"}

pierced vagina








(Atharva Veda, etc.)



11. Mnemosune [mother of

22. Vasu-s

nine Mousai]

[nine, acc. to Jains]



12. Dikaiosune ("righteousness")

23. Varun.a [punisher of dead]



13. Dionusos [visitor of Lerna,

25. Ahi Budhnya

place of Hydra]

("ophidian of the deep")



14. Elpis [("hope") retained

26. [treader on

in subterranean coffer]

subterranean wolf, acc. to Veda]



15. Hephaistos




16. Dioskoros [twin horse-rider]

27. As`vinau [twin horsemen]



17. Hupnos ("sleep") &


Thanatos ("death") [twins]

28. Yama [death-god, twin]



18. Aletheia ["truth", found by

1. Agni [acc. to Veda,

using Occam's razor]




19. Moses




20. Demeter [who had

2. Praja-pati [who had

sexual intercourse while

sexual intercourse while

in shape of a mare]

in shape of a buck]



21. Krianos [in Aiolis, river:

3. Soma [a plant-sap:

/krios/ ram]

on the sheep-filter, acc. to Veda]



26. Nupha [for /numphai/


"labia minora of vulva]

9. Bhaga ("vulva")



27. Zeus [whose sister (Hera)

10. Aryaman [ruler

and son (Heraklees) together

(acc. to Devata Tattva)

produced the Milky Way]

of the Milky Way]



28. Hemera ("day")

11. Savitr. [impeller of sun]