Attitudes: Hypocrisy -- Jokery -- Sincerity

the 2 forms of hypocrisy:



(1) feigning of belief while actually disbelieving

praetending to believe the perverted, anti-family stance of the Buddha and of the NewTestament

(2) feigning of disbelief while actually believing

praetending to hate one's (as required by the Buddha and the New Testament) one's own family

Maha-yana Buddhism & Protestant Christianity are pretty much synonymous with hypocrisy.

The peculiar hypocrisy of Maha-yana (Jodo, at least) Buddhism & Protestant Christianity consisteth in their regularly ascribing canonicity to scriptures (the Hina-yana Tri-pit.aka & the Gospels) which recommend perpetual caelibacy; without themselves actually practicing such. If hypocrisy be regarded as worse (more disreputable) than sexual perversion, then Jodo S^in-s^u & Protestantism are to be accounted as worse than Hina-yana & Catholicism.

degrees (intensities in reprobacity) of hypocrisy:

(1st) supreme hypocrisy would be to declare literature canonical while nevertheless defying it

this is the Jodo S^in-s^u & Protestant trick

(2nd) lesser hypocrisy would be to obey such literature while publically denying one's obedience thereto

this is the Catholic [priests'] manoeuver of obeying the implication of the Gospels requiring homosexuality, while wily denying it publically

Freedom from hypocrisy would be to admit publically to inveterate homosexuality, as is already traditionally done in the case of the North American Indian berdache. [Bodish dGe-lugs monasticism is Sarva-asti-Vada (i.e. Hina-yana rather than Maha-yana); its homosexual orientation is somewhat admitted to the public.]

origin (source) of such hypocrisy:

The non-egalitarian nature of Near Eastern society would naturally forbid any low-ranking ecclesiast from asserting any marriage [of such ecclesiast] with a deity during life.

So, in order to conform to this requirement, a deity will render [that deity's] marriage [to the ecclesiast] unknown even to such marriage-partner.

So, it will not be realized that the deity in controlling a marriage-partner is causing activities proper to a person of opposite gender -- this can be a very-much misunderstood situation, producing social disorder.

On the contrary, the egalitarian society of Africa will not prohibit such a declaration.

So, marriage of human-to-deity is well-known institutionally throughout Africa.

Such African humans married to deities are aware of their thus being caused to behave like a person of opposite gender.

Not only Africans, but also many American-Indian shamans sense their own marriage with a deity, proclaiming (not denying) it: this truthfulness is resultant in greater powers (to find lost objects, to cure ailments, etc.). Likewise for tribal (non-Buddhist) East Asiatics -- Korean S^inkyo shamans, Burmese Natha shamans, etc. etc.

the 2 forms of mocking (hostile) jokery:



(1) God laughing at folly of humans

[The Kerinthian-Basilidean-Karpokratian] Christ laughing at the folly of Christians in believing that God is so impotent as to be crucified.

(2) humans laughing at the [alleged] folly of God

American Indians laughing at the frustration of God (Coyote) when he was repeatedly tricked by humans.

Here, the folly of Christianity is shown to be greater even than its hypocrisy. [The Buddha, who declared himself to be neither divine, nor human, nor a ghost (yaks.a = psychic "shell" of the Theosophical Society and of Congolese occultism), is by that means able to evade such a label.]

degrees of jokery:

(1st) hostile

The Kerinthian-Basilidean-Karpokratian & North American Indian types [mentioned above].

(2nd) sympathetic

Catholic merriment occasioned by proof (as, in a court-of-law) of an ecclesiast's homosexuality. Other occasions: during Mardi Gras, or the "Feast of Fools"; etc.

Sympathetic jokery is also rife in some shamanic performances, such as scatological jokes during "Red-headed" Daoist shaman-medium possession-performances.


Baule (of Ivory Coast): "a spirit wife (blolo bla) or a spirit husband (blolo bian) usually belongs or serves only one individual. The other world (blolo) is a world that parallels the one in which men and women live but it is the world of the dead. It is the world where spirits originate. In the blolo, all humans were married before birth and ... these spirit spouses follow their human partners forever."

<arabic: ditto, for qarinah (spirit-wife) or qarin (spirit-husband) --

" blolo bian, blolo bla_ and bo usu, and

numerous poignant photographs of men and

women holding and caring for their spirit spouses.

For the Baule, these figures who come to their

human partners in dreams are as real as life itself." (p. 3) "Information about the appearance of the Otherworld spouse can also come from dreams."

qarinah / qarin: "It sleeps with the person and has [sexual] relations during sleep as is known by the dreams."

"there are spiritual spouses who visit the human spouses especially in dreams or even physically to have sex with them." ("Human Sexuality in Nigeria", p. 25)

qarinah & qarin

they become cats; they are controlled by an ass's tongue

[Norse] the cat of U`t-garda-Loki was the Jo,rmungand-serpent: cf. the [Kemetian] vignette of a serpent biting an ass

counting of sheep to induce sleep

South Africa: a human skull (volunteer human sacrifice = carver of drum) is contained within largest drum of a set of ritual drums

Ivory Coast: "their chief god, Gb@bu, inside a large drum. ... Of the other gods ... there are said to be ninety-nine" (GP, p. 27)

>islam: there are 99 revealed divine names + 1 secret divine name -- the secret one is Hubal

Christianity: 99 sheep + 1 lost one -- refer to the MauMau secret practice of humans having sexual intercourse with sheep: MAUmau = [Maori] MAUi, who had sexual intercourse with sleeping goddess Hine-nui-te-Po ("woman great the night")

This practice is intended to induce safety after death, for

[Maori] Maui entered the vagina

of the sleeping goddess while he was in caterpillar-form -- a caterpillar of a hairy phosphorescent species, not a literal "hairy lizard" (M, p. 148) as inaccurately depicted at :

the caterpillar who is a hazard to souls travelling along the HM: road in the after-death realm -- viz.,"a caterpillar (Halulukoa)"

The water-wagtail who laughed at Maui and is

the same species as of which the Ainu ascribe the origin of sexual intercourse amongst humans

GP = M. J. Field: Religion and Medicine of the Ga~ People. Oxford U. Pr, 1937.

M = Elsdon Best: The Maori.

HM = Martha Beckwith: Hawaiian Mythology.