Enkuklo-paideiai / (Encyclo-paediae) -- WEBLINKS


Various Antient & Mediaeval Encyclopaediae

[Disciplinarum libri IX (an encyclopedia on the liberal arts) by Marcus Terentius Varro (sometimes called Varro Reatinus) is lost. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Terentius_Varro ]

Natural History by Plinius the Elder http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?lookup=Plin.+Nat.+toc

Souda by Souidas http://www.stoa.org/sol/

Origenes by Isidoros of Sevilla http://bestiary.ca/etexts/brehaut1912/Brehaut%20-%20Encyclopedist%20of%20the%20Dark%20Ages.pdf

"Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encyclopedia_of_the_Brethren_of_Purity

"The Rasail Ikhwan as-Safa" http://www.ismaili.net/histoire/history04/history428.html &

"The Classification of the Sciences according to the Rasa’il Ikhwan al-Safa’"


"Chinese Encyclopedia". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_encyclopedia &

"Leishu". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leishu

Agni Puran.a (This is at least as encyclopaedic -- covering as many topics -- as is the Br.hat-Samhita.)

Br.hat-Samhita by Varaha-mihira https://ia801708.us.archive.org/18/items/Brihatsamhita/brihatsamhita.pdf (This translation is a only a small portion of the whole.)


Mediaeval Western European encyclopaedic descriptions of the world (in Latin -- can be read in English by "Google Translate")

The Myrrour & Dyscrypcyon of the Worlde (Gossuin of Metz, translated into English by William Caxton), https://ia600206.us.archive.org/5/items/myrrourdyscrypcy00goss/myrrourdyscrypcy00goss.pdf

the Otia Imperialia (Gervase of Tilbury), https://archive.org/stream/desgervasiusvon00liebgoog/desgervasiusvon00liebgoog_djvu.txt

the Summarium Heinrici,

the Hortus deliciarum (Herrad [abbess at Hoheburg] of Landsberg),

the Liber exceptionum (Richard de Saint-VictorJean Châtillon),

the  De proprietatibus rerum   (Bartholomeus Anglicus), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartholomeus_Anglicus (description); & http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/6493/pg6493.html (partial translation); & http://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/A05237.0001.001?page=viewtextnote;rgn=div1 complete-text English translation by John de Trevisa

and the Speculum naturale (Vincent of Beauvais). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_of_Beauvais (description); & https://books.google.com/books?id=v9yKk_tdhusC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false (Latin text in facsimile not suitable for automatic translation)

"An English Version of the Chapter Headings in the Medieval Encyclopedias". https://web.archive.org/web/20110604055101/http://www.ualberta.ca/~sreimer/engl614/encycl.htm


Full-text English-language Encyclopaediae on-line

Harris's An Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences (1723 edn.) https://books.google.com/books?id=BWFEAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false

Chambers's Cyclopaedia (1728 edn.) http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/HistSciTech/HistSciTech-idx?type=header&id=HistSciTech.Cyclopaedia01

Encyclopaedia Britannica (1797, 1810, 1823, & 1911 ednn.) http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/work?id=olbp16644



p. 34 Isidorus Hispalensis (of Sevilla)

p. 41 Rasa>ulu >ih^wan >al S.afa> (at Bas.ra)

p. 46 Didaskalia Pantodape, by Mikhael Psellos

pp. 47-49 Didascalicon, by Hugh of St. Victor

p. 59 De Natura Rerum, by Thomas of Cantimpre'

p. 67 Compendium Philosophiae

pp. 180-181 Samuel Taylor Coleridge

5a. Jurisprudence

46. Divine law

66-81. Ethics

8. Ethics

5b. Time

37. Motion

82-107. Physics

6b. Physics

6. the Bible

4:1-8. the Scriptures

8. the Church & haeresies

4:9. Oecumenical Councils

10. Etymology

30. Philology

4:14. Etymology

4:2. Lexicon

11. Man

28-29. Man

5c. faculties

3. Biography

26-27. Physiology

108-119. Physiology

5a. Physiology

2:2:5:1. Anatomy

12. Zoology

24-25. Zoology

4. Fauna

2:2:4:3. Zoology

13a. Heaven

120-138. Astronomy

17-18. Astronomy

13b. Atmosphaere

20-21. Meteorology

139-178. Meteorology &c.

16. Atmosphaere

2:2:1:7. Meteorology

13c. Seas & oceans

18-19. the 4 elements

13. Water

20b. Tools

6. Arts & Crafts


p. 24 Artes, by Aulus Cornelius Celsus

p. 38 Kitab <uyun >al->ah^bar, by >ibn Quteba of Kufa

pp. 47-49 Hugh of St. Victor

p. 55 De Naturis Rerum, by Alexander Neckam

p. 64 Li Livres dou Tre`sor, by Brunetto Latini

p. 66 Nihayat ..., by >en-Noweri in Mis.r

pp. 70-71 Fons Memorabilium Universi, by Domenico Bandini

p. 85 Anatomia Ingeniorum et Scientiarum, by Antonio Zara

2c. Conduct

3:5. Ethics

1. Power

3:73-105. Politics

2d. Politics

4:1. politics

2:14. Government

26. Warfare

2. War

2:13. war

170-172. Buildings

4:4. buildings

2:8 Architecture

3. Nobility

2:5. Courtiership

3:1-72 Rhetoric

2:4. Oratory

4. Character

1. character

5. Learning

5:10. Students

173-174. Learning

6. Asceticism

3:14c. Parsimony

7. Friendship

175-192. Society

1-5. Agriculture

1:125-129. Agriculture

4. oeconomic botany

4:8. vegetables

9. Food

4:10. eating

10. Women

5:6. "Famous women"


p. 23 Marcus Terentius Varro

p. 40 Mafatih. >al-<ulum, by >al-H^warizmi

pp. 47-49 Didascalicon, by Hugh of St. Victor

pp. 60-61 Speculum Maius, by Vincent

pp. 180-181 Coleridge

pp. 211-212 ENSIE, ed. by Pos

p. 215-216 Enciclopedia Labor

1. Grammar

1:19-30 Grammar

2:25. Grammar

1:1. Grammar

2. Logic

2:4-12. Logic

2:24. Logic

1:2. Logic

4-5. Mathematics

2:21-29. Mathematics

1:3. Mathematics

1:1:4. Metaphysics

1:1. Philosophy

1:1. God

1:2:3. Theology

1:2. Religion

9:7. theology

2:23. Theatrics

8:5 Theatre

2:2:2:3. Painting

2:2. Painting

8:1-3. Fine arts

2:21. Agriculture

1:7. Agriculture

2:2:3:1. Agriculture

1:8. Alchemy

2:2:2:5. Numismatics

2:1. Language

2:2:2:6. Poetry

7. Music

2:34-36. Music

2:2:2:7. Music

2:3. Music

7:5-7. Music

2:20. Commerce

2:8. Oeconomics

2:2:3:3. Commerce

2:9. Politics

2:2:3:4. Political oeconomy

2:11a. Crafts

2:2:3:5. Carpentry

2:19. Armaments

2:11b. Architecture

2:2:3:6. Fortification

2:12 Navigation

2:2:3:7. "Naval architecture"

2:37-38. Mechanics

2:16. Mechanical

2:2:3:8. Manufactures

2:13 Medicine

2:2:5:3. Medicine

3:2-31. History

3. History

3:1. History

5. history

4:1. Geography

5. cartography

4:2-4. geography

4:2. Lexicon

10. Dictionary

[Alchemy = Numismatics :- Isaac Newton, author of a text on alchemy, was keeper of the royal coin-mint of England]

Robert Collison: Encyclopaedias. Hafner Publishing Co., London, 1964.
