Compraehensive Correlative Mutual Alignments of Sequential Events in Major Mythologic Systems Worldwide, part 13

Apokalupsis ('Revelation'); Legenda Aurea ('Golden Legend')


CHINESE STANDARD SEQUENCE (Mountains and Seas Classic) OF MYTHIC LOCALITIES [backwards sequence]


"And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, for

"Almost before he had time to glance about him,

Ailanthus ... are plentiful" (CM&S, p. 37 3:1:8). [Ailanthus altissima, commonly known as "tree of heaven"]

the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away" (Apokalupsis 21:1).

he had reached Lesbos, where his charioteer [Killos] ... or [Killas], died because of the swiftness of the flight." (GM @109.g) [cf. \killibant-\ 'a stand for

a sambuke (triangular musical string-instrument)]

Mananna`n is carrying that which by "touching each other made delightful music" (LIE, s.v. "Mananna`n", p. 330a),

Subsequent to Killas, now "Sphairos was his charioteer" (GM @109.i).

to wit, apples (which are sphairical) :

"And I ... saw ..., coming down ... out of Heaven, ... a bride adorned for her husband." (Apokalupsis 21:2) [cf. "eri silk in ... bridal wear collections." "Eri silk ... comes from the caterpillar of Samia ricini" (W"Eri silk")]

["the tree of heaven is also used ... as a host plant to feed silkworms of the moth Samia cynthia, which produces silk that is stronger and cheaper than mulberry silk" (W"Ailanthus a. -- Uses")]

"shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain" (Apokalupsis 21:4).

"branch of the apple tree from Emhain, from the far island around which are the shining horses of the son of Lir ... To be without grief, without sorrow, without death, without any sickness" (DCHT:"MML").

"The River Fish rises here" (CM&S, p. 37 3:1:7).

"fish being his [Mananna`n's] ...

"It makes a noise like a ram.

lambs." (LIE, s.v. "Mananna`n", p. 329b)

It is effective against all weapons." (CM&S, p. 37 3:1:6)

"Manannan is the keeper of ... a breastplate that no weapon could pierce." (DCHT:"MML")

"I am ... the beginning and the end." (Apokalupsis 21:6) {sockets for lynch-pins at the beginning and ar the end of the axle?}

"removed the lynch-pins from the axles ..., and replaced them with others made of wax." (GM @109.j)

"Mount Claw[-]mark." (CM&S, p. 37 3:1:6) [claw = lynch-pin; mark = wax]

"a golden reed to measure ... the wall thereof." (Apokalupsis 21:14) [to measure the wall's thickness, as if transfixing it?]

"about to transfix

"Mananna`n is ... coming disguised as a warrior with a sword through {i.e., transfixing} his head" (LIE, s.v. "Mananna`n", p. 330b).

"every several gate was one pearl" (Apokalupsis 21:21). [iridescent]

Pelops's back" (GM @109.j). [on one's back, a cloak is worn]

"He wore a cloak that could change into any colour." (DCHT:"MML")

"And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, proceeding out" (Apokalupsis 22:1).

"went ... in search of water." (GM @109.j)

By Mananna`n, Cormac "is also shown the Well of Knowledge from which five streams flow,

"and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life" (Apokalupsis 22:2).

and over which there are nine purple hazel trees" (DCHT:"MML").

"blessed is he that keepeth the sayings" (Apokalupsis 22:7).

"Will you break your oath?" (GM @109.k)

"They make a noise like a magpie." (CM&S, p. 37 3:1:5) [a magpie will repeat (= keep) the calls (= sayings) of other birds]

"that they may have right to the tree of life" (Apokalupsis 22:14).

"the wild-carob." (CM&S, p. 37 3:1:4)

"I am ... the bright and morning star." (Apokalupsis 22:16)

"[Hermes] set [Murtilos]'s image among the stars" (GM @109.l).

"Mount Burn[-]bright." (CM&S, p. 35 3:1:4)

"The [Murtoan] Sea ... is ... to take its name from [Murtilos] ..., as ... from the nymph [Murtoi]." (GM @109.l)

With \MURToI\, cf. \MURTI\ (PE, q.v.), name of mother (by Dharma) of the brethren Nara and Nara-ayana.

"what was then known as Apia" (GM @109.m). [\APIkhthuoomai\ 'I become a fish'; also

"numbers of sudden-fish" (CM&S, p. 35 3:1:3).

\NARa-\ is apparently cognate with TL-MRJ \N<R\ 'catfish'. Cf. Qic^e twin-brethren gods who became catfishes.

"unicorn" (GLS, p. 348 = PB&J 8), which scared a man into descending into a pit wherein he found "honey".

Latin \APIes\ 'bee' (gatherer of honey)]

"a horse, with a single horn

Eka-s`r.nga ('Unicorn') recommenced the halted rainfall (Maha-prajn~a-paramita S`astra 2:4) in city Campa of country Anga (MBh, "Aran.ya Parvan" 110-112 -- PE, s.v. "R.s.yas`r.nga 2)", p. 652b).

"King [Stumphalos]" (GM @109.n). [\STUPHLarios\ 'rough, rocky'] {a grinding-stone may be rough-and- coarse}

that has a hard grinding shell. It name is Coarse-ugly." (CM&S, p. 35 3:1:3).

The monk from Senaar declared "I am a merchant from a far country, and ... I have a precious stone"(PB&J 4).

"His ... wealth ... earned him the ... veneration of all [Hellad-]." (GM @109.n)

"Jade is abundant on its summit" (CM&S, p. 35 3:1:3).

"[ALKAthoos]" (GM @109.o). [\ALKAia\ 'tail']

"hippopotamus ... with ... a tail" (CM&S, p. 35 3:1:2).

"[Hanumant] awoke from sleep and raised his tail with

A king's brother "heard the trumpet of death" (PB&J 5).

"by dancing the Rope Dance, which they had brought from [Ludia]." (GM @109.p) [\Ludian\ is a particular musical mode]

"They make a noise like a plane-tree [lute]." (CM&S, p. 35 3:1:2)

a terrific sound." (MBh, "Vana Parvan" 146 -- PE, s.v. "Bhima 7)", p. 130b)

"boxes of wood ... he cased in gold all over, ... first filling them with the stinking bones of corpses" (PB&J 6).

"Pelops's sanctuary, where his bones are" (GM @109.q). [\PELOP-\ may be cognate with \PELLo-\ 'dark-colored' {cf. the frequent Homeric expression \wine-dark\ for 'purple'}]

"Purple coloured stones ... are abundant in the River Clutter." (CM&S, p. 35 3:1:1) [\clutter\ "a piece a bad stone building" (SDD, q.v.)]

"what a clutter there was with huge pots" (L'Estrange). [cf. the urn enclosing the bones of Pelops]

"white poplar-wood." (GM @109.q)

"Alder trees are numerous here" (CM&S, p. 35 3:1:1).

"at [Khaironea], is ... the only genuine" (GM @109.q). [\KHAIR-\ cognate with Vajra-yana deity-category \HERuka\ 'descendant of hiraka (little diamond)']

"Mount Lone[-]fox." (CM&S, p. 35 3:1:1)

With Buddha-kapala ('skull') Heruka, cf. the skull worn as helmet by Coyote [otherwise accompanied by Fox], who donned it while alone.

"There is a bird here which looks like an owl and

"turned him [Ghan.t.a] into an owl." (Skanda Puran.a -- PE, s.v. "Ghan.t.a I.", pp. 288-9)

"articulate speech was given to the nightingale" (PB&J 7).

matron Phuskoa (GM @110.b). [\phuskon\ 'potbelly']

it has a human face, a monkey's body" (CM&S, p. 31 2:4:19).

Monkeys are conventionally depicted with spiral as belly in Meso-American art.

"the Argonaut [Hipp-alkos], [Hipp-alkmos], or [Hipp-alkimos]" (GM @110.c).

"an animal on this mountain ... has a horse's body with bird wings" (CM&S, p. 31 2:4:19).

"he seemed to be in peace and safety thenceforward. ...

"[Taphios]" (GM @110.c). [\taphia\ (pl. of \taphion\) 'burial-place']

"Mount Hidden[-]abyss." (CM&S, p. 31 2:4:19)

Then casting his eyes down to the bottom of the pit, he saw a dragon of terrible aspect" (PB&J 8).

"Anti[-]bia" (GM @110.c). ['Against Force' : perhaps the dragon is intended as a warning against use of force in social affairs]

"They give rise to pearly jade." (CM&S, p. 31 2:4:18) [dragons may guard pearls, as shewn on the flag of Bhutan]

"While they were returning from Kubera's palace Bhima was caught by a python." (PE, s.v. "Bhima 7)", p. 130b)

A certain man had 2 faithless friends who failed him, but also a 3rd who eagerly protected him (PB&J 9).

Megareus had 2 sons who praedeceased him, but also a son-in-law who succeeded him as king instead (GM @110.d).

With 3 sons of [cf. BALLaVa] BE`LchU` (DCeM, q.v.), cf. 3 sons-in-law of king Lear, to whom only the 3rd is grateful.

{KARPO-kRates lived (according to Epiphanios) 17 years : cf. "the 17th day" (PE, s.v. "Bhima 7)", p. 130b) for arrival at Vr.s.a-parvan's as`rama.}

"such-like fish ... make a noise like chiming-stones." (CM&S, p. 31 2:4:18) [to \chime in\ = to respond helpfully]

With Bhima's son Ghat.a-utkaca, cf. GHAT.a (PE, q.v., p. 290a) who attended helpfully to KARPARa : thus, cf. also with GHAn.T.a ('bell')-KARn.a (PE, q.v.).

"Even so, come, lord Iesous!" (Apokalupsis 22:20)

{The Vaidik spider-deities KALa-KHaN~ja-s exuding of their thread = the thread-of-destiny manufactured by the Moirai (instead of Kalkhant- the seer).}

"The River Over[-]spill rises to the west" (CM&S, p. 31 2:4:18). [Over-spill = knowledge of destined events which are to "spill over" into the future?]

Karpo-krates's isle KEPHALLenia = (etymologically) S`A[M]BHALa, where KALKiN (PE, q.v.) is destined to be born at the end of the Kali-Yuga.

"were starving miserably" (PB&J 10).

"[Iskhe-polis], perished in the ... Hunt" (GM @110.e). [\iskhnaino\ 'I wither']

During the Kali-Yuga, "People will die in lots of hunger." (MBh, "Vana Parvan" 188 -- PE, s.v. "Kali I.5)", p. 374b)

If we neglect to "lay up provision for ourselves against the after life, sudden destruction falls upon us" (PB&J 10).

News-bringer KALLI-polis ('Beautiful City' [parable for 'one's prospective heavenly mansion']) was unjustly slain by Alkathoos (GM @110.e).

"Mount Bird[-and-]rat-share[-a-]cave. {figure-of-speech for mortals' sharing a common need for existence beyond their eventual death?}

(The yuga of Kali is that wherein the future is unknown; so that information is now restricted to mere news.) An arrow was aimed at KALI (Bhagavata Upa-puran.a 1:17 -- PE, s.v. "Kali I.2)").

"unspeakable beauty of the heavenly mansions not built by hands" (PB&J 11).

The mother of Khrus-[h]ippos is "[Wastu-okhe {'city' + \okhe\ 'a prop'}], a Danaid." (GM @110.g)

There are ... on its summit ... quantities of white jade." (CM&S, p. 30 2:4:18)

"they saw a sort of underground cellar, in which ... was standing his wife, mixing wine." (PB&J 11) [with the cellar, cf. a wine-well]

A woman (the wife of a man who favored her intended victim) "tried to persuade ... to kill ... by throwing ... down a well." (GM @110.g)

"that town will have a major flood." (CM&S, p. 30 2:4:17)

"Kali could live in the following ... places : ... Drinking ..., Murder" (Bhagavata Upa-puran.a 1:17 -- PE, s.v. "Kali I.2)").

"his wife tried to please ... by singing a song in a clear voice" (PB&J 11).

"the exhaust-rare ... makes a noise like ... howling" (CM&S, p. 30 2:4:17).

"he thrust it aside as if it were shameful and monstrous" (PB&J 12).

"took down ... and plunged it" (GM @110.g).

"Mount Baton[-]ton." (CM&S, p. 30 2:4:17)

"grazing with the wild gazelles. But ... own fawn ...

"looks like a horse; it has ... a single horn" (CM&S, p. 30 2:4:16).

they brought back alive, never letting it go abroad in future." (PB&J 13)

"was already imprisoned" (GM @110.h). [locked in prison]

"Mount Mid[-]twist." (CM&S, p. 30 2:4:16) [twist = turning lock-key]

So as not "to see sun ..., hewed a cave-dwelling out of the solid rock" (PB&J 14),

{This is the Platonic parable known as "myth of the cave".}

[P>an-ku hewed a cave-dwelling out of the solid rock.]

"the boy who had never seen anything of the world, and bade ... for the boy to see." (PB&J 14)

"fled to Argolis" (GM @110.i). [\argos\ 'flash of luminance']

"they stop them from being blinded by dust" (CM&S, p. 30 2:4:15).

"the women ... . Now the boy's heart was much more captivated by them than by anything else." (PB&J 14)

"brought back to [Wolumpia]" (GM @110.i). [Hellenic \[W]OLUmPos\ is likely cognate with Latin \VOLUPtuarius\.]

"passage through the narrow gate", followed behind by the people,

"At one of the turns {i.e., maiandrings} of

"The River [Maiandros] ... waters have numerous lag-remains fish ...;

A grandson of Iks.u-aku (= Hellenic \ikhthus\ 'fish' + \oke[w]anos\ 'ocean') is Mandira-as`va (M-W:S-ED, q.v.). [\manda\ 'slow' (thus lagging behind)]

so as to arrive "in a ravine with

the Hippodrome ['horse-course'], ...

their eyes are like the ears of a horse." (CM&S, p. 30 2:4:15)

The daughter of king Mandira-as`va (\as`va\ 'horse') married (MBh, "S`anti Parvan" 234:35 -- PE, s.v. "Hiran.yahasta")

his hands uplifted to heaven" (PB&J 14).

holding a ribbon" (GM @110.i). {ribbon of cloth-of-gold?}

"there are quantities of gold" (CM&S, p. 30 2:4:15).

prince Hiran.ya-hasta ('golden hand').

Airope is daughter of (GM @111.f) KATReUs, founder of (GM @93.a) KREtinia. [with \KREtinia\ cf. \KREpid-\ 'tall boot']

"Mount Brave[-]boot." (CM&S, p. 30 2:4:15) {praesumably referring to the Slavic folktale "7-League Boots"}

S`ATRU-jit ('enemy-conquered') was temporarily conquered by (Devi-bhagavata Upa-puran.a 3 -- PE, s.v. "Dhruvasandhi", p. 239b) Su-dars`ana (viz., s`atru), who "married S`as`i[-]kala {'hare[-marked] part'}".

Another daughter of Katreus is (GM @111.f) Klumene [\klumenon\ 'honeysuckle' -- honeysuckle is a remedy against "swelling of the brain (encephalitis)"].

"The River Clear rises here" (CM&S, p. 29 2:4:14). {perhaps figurative for 'clear thinking', especially absence of brain-ailments}

"with a shrewd kick at his wrist" (GM @111.k).

"with a single foot and a single hand.

{hand helping foot : Erp in Old Norse legend}

"Dumbly" (GM @111.l).

They make a noise like a yawn." (CM&S, p. 29 2:4:13)

"enclosed by unscaleable walls." (GM @111.n) {unscalable walls could be described as a "hardened defense-perimetre"}

"a mountain called Mount Hard." (CM&S, p. 29 2:4:13)

"his underground treasury, ... still shown" (GM @111.o). {a treasury can be said to have a favorable (or unfavorable) cash-flow of fiscal reckoning}

"Mount Flow[-]through[-] vale." (CM&S, p. 29 2:4:12)

"son of [Skhoinos]" (GM @111.p). [\skhoinos\ "as a means of exploring a narrow and crooked passage in the skull" (L&S:G-EL).]

"Mount Stretch[-]head." (CM&S, p. 29 2:4:11) {during parturition, an infant's head is flexible due to flexible surtures between skull-plates}

SaHIs.Nu 'one of 3 sons of Pula-ha' (\\ 'forbearing, putting up with')

"he married her to Alastor" (GM @111.p). [\alastoria\ 'vengeance of Heaven' {such veangeance is possible because the laws of Heaven are tightly (strictly) enforced}]

"The River Tight rises from the north face ... to empty in the River Life." (CM&S, p. 29 2:4:10) {implying tight enforcement of strictures on living mortals}

"she fled to [Polu-pheides]" (GM @112.a). [\pheidos\ 'thrifty']

"Mount Bowl." (CM&S, p. 29 2:4:9) [beggar's bowl for receiving alms?]

"fled to King [Kularabes] ... the Argive." (GM @112.a)

[\kulabis\ = \kolobe\ 'curtailed, stunted']

"Mount Call." (CM&S, p. 29 2:4:8) ['call' is the meaning of \Qur>an\, a writing which hath drastically curtailed and stunted the literature and religion of <arabia]

"exacted an oath ... that he would bequeath the scepter" (GM @112.a). [as heir (next, in succession to himself as king) : this oath could cover all possible political exigencies]

"Mount All[-]next. The River All[-]next rises here" (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:7).

"[Ara-thurea]" (GM @112.b). [\thureo-\ 'shield']

"pigeons which ... fly with their their throat feathers." (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:6)

"bees, hornets, wasps ... were blocked by Bhramari Devi's shield", resultant in vis`uddhi cakra's ("ThFMT", p. 771b) activation of the throat.

"made war against [Tantalos {Skt \tan-\ 'to stretch' + Asianic (Anatolian) agentive suffix \-tal\}] ...,

"Mount Up[-]stretch." (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:6) {Cf. how Tantalos stretched upward in reaching for fruit hanging above.}

the son of his ... uncle ..., and forcibly married his widow" (GM @112.c). {It is, of course, quite shameful to attack one's own cousin in order to confiscate his wife.}

"The River Shame rises here" (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:5).

"birds of prey were soon picking his bones." (GM @112.g)

"Mount Bird." (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:5)

"gifts of tapestries and gold to Artemis." (GM @112.g)

"The River Hoard rises here" (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:4).

"a war which promised never to end" (GM @112.h). [its duration was stretching out]

"Mount Stretch" (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:4).

"Her informant had been" (GM @112.h). [She must have heard the information through her ear.]

"The River Ear rises here ... .

"unrolled a purple carpet for him" (GM @112.k).

There are numerous purple semi-precious stones ... in the River Ear" (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:3).

"[Worestes], come and defend your own!" (GM @113.c) [It was considered enough that Orestes might defend the honor of his own father, Aga-memnon ('muchly-reminding'), who is son of ATReus.]

"Mount Enough[-]father." (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:3)

\WoReSTes\ may be cognate with \VR.S.a-Darpa\ (PE, q.v.) son of S`ibi (\kibisis\ 'pouch for food'; Lat \cibus\ 'food'; eponym of \Kibura\ in former Pisidia) S`ibi is a descendant of (PE, s.v. "Us`inara I.1)") ATRi.

"in disgraceful poverty ... from publicly calling" (GM @113.e) [poverty can be a consequence of political weakness, and "publicly calling" can be a clear (forthright) assertion.]

"The River Weak rises here ... to empty into the River Clear." (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:2)

"draw blood from" (GM @113.i).

"numerous red-dye plants." (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:2)

"the ... net in which ... had died." (GM @113.j) [caught "in the toils" of a net]

"Mount Toil." (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:2)

"which overshadowed the entire land" (GM @113.n).

"Mount Shade. ... The River Shade rises here" (CM&S, p. 28 2:4:1).